Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping - Matt 8:24
We are all probably familiar with the story of Jesus on the boat rebuking the winds and the waves, and His disciples marveling at the authority their master displayed over the natural world.
However, what is often overlooked is the fact that before He calmed the sea, Jesus was sleeping.
Those who have ever dealt with extreme fear or anxiety know that it is not easy to fall asleep under such conditions.
We can imagine the boat rocking back and forth violently against the waves, the thunder roaring, the water splashing into the boat, and the disciples crying out in fear.
Meanwhile, Jesus is in the corner, sound asleep.
Though we should not "over spiritualize" the events in the gospels to the point of not believing they literally happened, we must also recognize that every story is attempting to communicate a deeper spiritual truth to us.
Through this event, Jesus is teaching His disciples (and us) that not only should we not fear the storms that life may throw at us, we should be so secure in our faith, and so at peace in Christ, that we can even be soundly sleeping in the midst of them.
The peace that Christ wants to give us is beyond comprehension. It transcends understanding.
This means that if we think we understand it, we don't.
If we think we know its limit, we are drastically underestimating it.
Jesus wants to take us deeper. He wants us to rest in Him, during even the most violent storms. It is only during these storms that our faith is tested.
And when our faith has been tested and purified, only then have we laid the foundation to experience an ongoing manifestation of His glory.

And without faith it is impossible to please Him,
for he who comes to God must believe that He is
and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him
Hebrews 11:6